Autumn, new beginnings

The autumn mists are hanging over both the Monnow and Wye in the mornings, a sure sign that Autumn is afoot. Rather than thinking of the year winding down, many years spent in education put me in mind of revving up for a new year. Art classes start again on the 11 th September and it will be good to welcome back the existing gang together with new additions.

Striking a balance of topics to be explored is challenging. My desk is strewn with sketches, back copies of Artist and Illustratot and books on artists and potential subjects.

We will start the course with a botanical subject which can be drawn or painted. In contrast, the following week I think we will attempt dramatic skies in acrylic. This gives those who like to cut loose and use sponges and rollers a chance to have some fun! Following that we’ll do some more careful drawing of animals and the following week a lesson based on the sea. I know a number of the group have been to Cornwall, Devon and Pembrokeshire as well as further afield.

The next week will be art in the style of. I haven’t settled on the artist yet; the last course saw us looking at Matisse and Constable, Turner, Kahlo and Lempicka have also featured during the last year. The last week will see further experiments in printing, so hopefully something for everyone.


New Year, new skill?


Oriel Crick Open Art Exhibition 2024